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learning to cope, dealing with struggles, encouragement, hope in world events, storms, christian book

​Trouble can come from any direction and at any moment. When it hits, it hurts. It can leave us shocked and surprised. When the storms of life rage around you and you wonder who and where God is, you can trust the Good Shepherd. Through the experiences of Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Jesus, and others, you will


  • learn God’s promises about your future;

  • find peace even without answers;

  • overcome bitterness, anger, and hurt;

  • understand that God is in the boat with you; and

  • find blessings in life’s detours.


If you want to understand who God is and where He is in tragedy and affliction, Stormy Seas can help. Grab the Savior’s outstretched hand and keep your eyes on Him.


Thoughts from the author

Below, Wendy highlights various aspects of her book and shares some thoughts in the creation process.

Your Future

Learning to stand on the Promises of God.

In a world with so many uncertainties and so many unknowns, how can our future be secure? How can we grasp hope in an ever changing world that seems to be plunging more and more out of control? The Bible says that, not only does God know our future but He also has future plans for us.


“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11, AMP)


Stormy Seas explores how we can find in our Creator assurance, stability, and hope even in the chaos and confusion of this world.

Peace and Hope

In a world scattered with such trouble...

When the year 2020 hit us, it was like getting hit by a 2x4! I mean, didn’t we have enough trouble and trial in our lives to deal with already?


Fear, strife, unrest, anxiety, pressure, inner turmoil, and uncertainty marked nearly every month. And each year after has had some of it's own surprises and assaults! What would happen next? Can we actually have peace when the “world is falling apart” and when the normality of life is suddenly and swiftly torn from our fingers? Can we “rest assured” in the face of such pervading fear?


Before the year 2020 arrived, I was exploring these questions. The very thing that seemed to catapult me into the writing of Stormy Seas was a study of the Biblical account of a sudden windstorm hitting Jesus and His disciples in a boat after a busy day. They just wanted to rest and relax. (I am sure you can relate!) But this sudden storm gave the disciples a very different experience. Faith was drowned in fear and hope was swept away by doubt. There is much to learn from their experience that relate so closely to ours today.

God With Us

Find comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

Have you had to walk a path by yourself? Do you know what it feels like to be rejected, cast away, or forgotten? Do you know what it feels like to think no one sees you or cares about you?


In an often selfish and thoughtless world, the Bible reveals a God who seeks us out and walks with us. God never intended for us to be alone. Stormy Seas unwraps the blessing and meaning of “Emanuel” – God with us – in a tangible way that brings hope and comfort into our daily lives.


Overcoming bitterness, anger, and pain.

Just like storms are interwoven into the earth’s seasons, our lives are fraught with every day troubles and struggles and challenges. Some times violent or dark storms have marked particular seasons of our lives and we find ourselves having to deal with the wreckage and debris of those storms for years to come, haunted by the past.


Is there healing power strong enough to pull us from the destruction and set our hearts to peace? Is there hope of restoration after tragedy has torn us apart? Is there anyone who understands our deepest hurts and most cutting wounds enough to heal our brokenness and bring us freedom from the past?


Yes! I know there is!


I have friends and family who have had terrible, traumatic, and tragic experiences that left them wounded for life. In Stormy Seas, I spent a considerable amount of time searching for answers to these questions. I did not want to gloss over this tender area with Christian cliches and cute phrases. No. I truly wanted to understand the heart of God on such matters. I wanted answers. I wanted to know why these things have been allowed to happen, where was God, and what was His plan now.


If there was any chapter or specific subject in the book that challenged me the most, it was here. At first I could not write anything about it. I wrestled with so many questions and emotions. “Show me your heart, Jesus! What do You want to say to those who have experienced deep pain and tragedy? What do you want to say?” Was my constant prayer. I felt like I had no words worth writing – nothing to say, unless they come from the heart of God. What could I say about such things?


After several weeks, I felt it was time. God poured His heart out through my words and gave me answers and peace. These words are some of the most beautiful words, that perhaps, I have ever written. And at times, I felt that I could not find adequate words to express the heart of God, so I surrendered to prayerful silence and reflection. Not a word was written without the mark of heart-felt tears over the plan of healing and restoration God has for those who have been deeply wounded. I have been forever changed by this powerful experience. I pray that God’s heart will be clearly revealed through Stormy Seas to all who seek healing.

Life's Detours

God has a plan, even when least expected.

Did your life turn out different than what you had planned? How many detours and unseen paths have you swerved down, either by accident or from bad decisions?


It happens, doesn’t it? And yet, I have discovered that Jesus comes with us. He never lets us go. When we find ourselves lost, bruised and broken, confused and surprised, ashamed or discouraged, Jesus is there to help us find a way when there seems to be no way. Stormy Seas brings to life the experiences of historical, Biblical characters who found that God pursued and provided at every wrong turn. He performed miracles, opened unlikely paths, and brought healing and redemption out of every detour. What an amazing God!

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Stormy Seas is an easy to

read, Bible-filled book

for small group studies

anywhere, anytime.



Bible, bible study, small group study, christian ministry, women's ministry, community outreach, church book study
Foggy Lake


“Just finished your book!

I feel like you wrote it for me!

What a great message.

I feel a sense of happiness already. It's such an amazing message.

I laughed, I cried, and truly enjoyed reading it.

I want to share it with others!"

~ Kelli D.

"As I read this amazing, spirit filled book,

it reminded me of the dark path of my childhood where God walked with me, how He sustained me, and held me up in my darkest hours. It reminded me how He filled me with the light of hope and joy in the midst of my pain and fear of death. And He showed me that He was big enough to handle it all.

In reading this book, I saw how my life paralleled the stories of so many of people in the Bible . And how, through them all, God was guiding and helping them safely to the other shore. I was reminded that I only need to trust and depend on Jesus.

I do not need to know all the answers;

God is big enough to take care of everything."

~ Martha G.

"I’ve been needing the message in this book, Wendy --

The message that these continual onslaughts of pain and trauma are part of God’s plan and that they have a meaning. And that our powerful and loving Father provides everything we need to weather each one of them. Knowing this on a deeper level is transforming the pain into something beautiful. Your writing style has revealed this glorious truth in a different way that seems to bring it home. Thank you, my dear!"

~ Jeanina B.

"I loved your book and I am so happy that I got one from you! Love how you explain things. I am glad that you are doing so well for your first book and I can not wait to see what other books that you will write.  Hope that you can write another book soon! "

Brenda A.

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